A MAN faces a bill of more than £460 after dodging a train fare in Bradford.

Jacob Watson, 22, of Waters Walk, Bradford, faced one charge of travelling on the railway without paying a fare.

On arrival at Bradford Interchange train station on January 19, Watson produced an advance single from Bradford Interchange to Halifax stations with a 16 to 25 Railcard discount.

When requested, Watson was unable to produce the accompanying railcard, saying he could not open the app.

He was issued with a letter requesting an explanation, as there was no response, a Fixed Penalty Notice was sent, which remains unpaid.

Watson was fined £220, ordered to pay £150 costs, a £88 victim surcharge and £3.80 compensation for the offence, which totalled £461.80. A collection order was made by the court at the sentencing hearing.

Watson was sentenced in his absence at Kirklees Magistrates’ Court on June 30, 2023.