A former West Yorkshire Police officer has been jailed after being convicted of non-recent sexual offences against two children. 

David Crossley, 60, was a PC at Leeds district when the offences were reported to police in 2020.

He was convicted today (July 5) of multiple offences, including indecent assault and sexual touching, following a trial at Leeds Crown Court.

No offence was committed whilst Crossley was on duty. 

He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.

Detective Chief Superintendent Nicola Bryar, of West Yorkshire Police’s Professional Standards Directorate, said: “These were absolutely awful offences committed against child victims.

"I understand that members of the public will be horrified that these offences could be committed by a police officer and all I can say is that I and other colleagues feel exactly the same way. 

“As soon as these offences were reported in 2020, an investigation was commenced and Crossley was suspended from duty. He later retired.  

“I would like to commend the victims for their courage in coming forward and reporting the appalling offences they suffered during their childhoods.

"I can only imagine the increased concern they had when reporting offences against a police officer but I hope that the action we have taken shows that we will investigate offences involving police officers and that we will take swift action to remove them from duty.

“If anyone has been the victim of an offence where the perpetrator is a police officer, staff member or volunteer, then I would urge them to report it.

"By doing so, we can protect you and other members of the public, signpost you to victim support services and we can ensure that those who should not be working in policing are no longer allowed to do so.”