A HONDA SUV driver who deliberately swerved on to a footpath knocking down and seriously injuring his former neighbour has been jailed for three years.

Mohammed Ahmed pulled up on Tong Street in Bradford, hurled obscenities at the man who swore back at him, Bradford Crown Court heard today.

Ahmed then mounted the footpath and ran him down, prosecutor Richard Canning said.

He told the court the men were once neighbours and there was bad feeling between them.

Ahmed, 30, formerly of Compton Street, Dudley Hill, Bradford, pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving on July 20, 2021. His victim sustained a fractured jaw and a broken ankle, wrist and forearm, cuts and soft tissue injuries.

Mr Canning said he may suffer future complications and need further surgery.

In his victim personal statement, the man said he had suffered severe pain and had horrible nightmares, waking up screaming. His mental health had deteriorated and he had to step down from his more senior role at work with financial consequences.

“I am left with constant pain, mental illness and permanent scarring,” he said.

He had been ‘the life and soul’ at family gatherings but was now very quiet.

The man said that he and his family had now moved away from Bradford.

In mitigation, Michael Jowett said there was a grievance between the men and that the victim had previously damaged Ahmed’s property. Ahmed had Asperger’s Syndrome that severely impacted upon him. He struggled to process his emotions and feelings. He was constantly in an exaggerated state of emotion, especially in stressful situations.

He ran a delivery business that employed a driver, and his wife and children depended on him financially.

“He is ordinarily a softly-spoken, hardworking family man,” Mr Jowett said.

The family had moved away from the area and it was hoped the men would never meet again.

Ahmed was remorseful, ashamed and terribly sorry for the injuries he had caused.

He had no previous convictions and was described by his probation officer as being at a low risk of reoffending.

Recorder Richard Paige said ‘issues and animosity’ had arisen between the men.

After driving at his victim, Ahmed didn’t stop at the scene but went home and called the police. He told them the man had attacked his car and he was acting in self-defence.

But Recorder Paige said he was in full control when he deliberately drove at a vulnerable pedestrian in an SUV.

Ahmed was banned from driving for four and a half years and until he passes an extended retest.

A restraining order for six and a half years stops him from having any contact with the victim.