Resilient students from a Bradford school battled the rain to complete their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. 

Bradford Forster Academy took 38 of its students on an Expedition to Harewood House, in Leeds, on June 20

The British weather did not do the school justice and it rained the whole day - but the students' spirits weren't dampened and they persevered.

They showed resilience, leadership and confidence in their ability to continue even though they were soaked to the bone.

Though the morning of the expedition was wet and dreary - the evening picked up and the sun came out. 

Some of them started having a water fight, some played rugby, some relaxed and others explored the campsite.

A spokesperson for the Bradford Forster Academy, said: "The second day was fantastic.

"All groups were up and away by 9.30am and heading towards Otley Chevin.

"This is the point where students needed their map skills as the forest can be confusing.

"But all groups went through all the checkpoints and arrived at the top of Otley and had ice cream and enjoyed the view."

Rachael Murphy-Dawson, Duke of Edinburgh Lead at Bradford Forster Academy, said:

“This whole trip was fantastic, and all students successfully passed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. I am so proud of everyone and can’t wait to do it all over again next week with our second group!”