A TAXI driver transferred £200 into a man’s bank account in a fraud committed by three passengers, Bradford Crown Court heard.

Rizwan Khaliq, 43, of Silverhill Drive, Bradford Moor, Bradford, was sentenced for his role in the fraud that took place on the evening of March 4 last year.

The court heard that the scam unfolded when another man was picked up by the taxi driver in Halifax and taken to Leeds Road in Bradford.

Two more male passengers, including Khaliq, then got into the vehicle.

It was said that the men appeared to fall out over a debt and a knife was produced.

They then demanded money from the driver and he transferred £200 into a bank account belonging to one of them.

All three men were later seen exchanging money in a takeaway.

Khaliq pleaded guilty to defrauding the taxi driver.

His barrister Kristina Goodwin said he had spent time in custody before being granted bail on a curfew.

A father-of-three, he was working in the building trade and had sought help with his substance misuse.

Deputy Circuit Judge Peter Armstrong sentenced Khaliq to a 12-month community order with 15 rehabilitation activity days and a nine-month drug rehabilitation order.

He was ordered to pay £200 compensation to the taxi driver.