A MAN has been given a life sentence at Bradford Crown Court after a police investigation into his internet activity revealed he had sexually assaulted two young children.

Jonathon Warren, 32, of Edensor Road, Keighley, was arrested from his home address last October after officers received information suggesting he was involved in the distribution of indecent images.

He was taken into custody and his devices were seized. These were found to contain a total of 2,086 indecent images of children. Within these were images and videos which showed him committing sexual acts on two children.

Further investigation by the Policing Online Investigations Team found evidence on his phone of distributing indecent images to other people.

Warren was in breach of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and charged with a total of 14 offences, which included seven relating to making and taking of indecent images and three of inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity.

He was also charged with assaulting an emergency worker.

He was given a life sentence by Judge Andrew Hatton with a review by the Parole Board in six years and eight months’ time.

He had pleaded guilty to all 14 charges at an earlier hearing.

After the case, police welcomed the sentence handed down to Warren and said it would send a strong message to others.

Detectives highlighted the efforts Warren made to avoid detection and arrest, stating that he feared he would be facing a lengthy sentence if caught.

The sentence also brings justice to the victims in the case, police added.

Detective Constable Adam Flaxington, said: “I am particularly pleased that the judge has recognised the abhorrent offending of Warren.

“This sends a clear message to offenders committing these sorts of offences and I am delighted that his victims will now have justice.

“The lengths that Warren went to try and avoid detection and arrest signifies that he knew he was looking at a significant sentence when caught.

“I would also like to thank the Digital Forensic Unit and all their work on the case. Our close work with them has again brought a positive result.”