Two men jailed today for their involvement in a plot to manufacture and transfer sub-machine guns made using a 3D printer are believed to be the first in the country to be tried and convicted of such offences.

Christopher Gill from Bradford and Sibusiso Moyo, who lectured in computer science at the city’s university, were locked up at Sheffield Crown Court following a lengthy trial.

Moyo was imprisoned for 18 years and Gill for 13 years and eight months.

Moyo, 41, of Elloughton Grove, Hull, and Gill, 35, of Dick Lane, Laisterdyke, Bradford, were found guilty of conspiracy with others unknown to manufacture prohibited firearms.

They and Majeeb Rehman, 46, of Central Avenue, Little Horton, Bradford, were convicted of conspiracy to transfer a prohibited firearm, an FGC-9 hybrid carbine sub-machine gun, to persons unknown on May 17, 2022.

Rehman will be sentenced at a later date.

After the jail sentences were meted out, the police teams involved in the complex investigation said it was thought to be the first prosecution of its kind.

Detectives found the homemade guns, alongside bullets and other gun-making equipment, in raids at addresses in Bradford and Hull where the weapons were manufactured on a kitchen worktop and in a domestic garage. The weapons, described as a hybrid 3D printed gun with metal parts, were destined to be used in organised crime.

Speaking after the sentencing, Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Chief Inspector Andrew Howard, of the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit, said: “Over recent times, we have seen the tragic and devastating consequences that criminally held firearms being used by offenders have caused.

“These include the fatal shootings of innocent people and the shattering of the lives of those close to them, not to mention the impact such incidents have on our communities.

“Today, two men who were involved in the manufacture, supply and distribution of privately manufactured 3D printed automatic weapons have received significant sentences for their roles.

“Our investigation found that Sibusiso Moyo and Christopher Gill followed detailed instructions and systematically bought items used to manufacture and construct these deadly firearms and ammunition.

“They demonstrated levels of sophistication in the manufacture processes and successfully produced viable firearms.

“Majeeb Rehman, a close criminal associate, was found guilty of distributing one of the viable FGC9, a 3D printed firearm with an ammunition clip containing eight live rounds of ammunition.

“Manufacture of viable 3D printed firearms is a real threat and these firearms were built for one purpose only, to be supplied to other organised criminals who would use them to inflict harm.

“This has been a ground-breaking, complex investigation, supported by the National Crime Agency into the new threat posed by 3D printed guns.

“I would like to pay tribute to the team of officers and staff who have shown tenacity and determination in successfully bringing this case to trial. “Their professionalism has been recognised by the court today.

“These are officers that put themselves in harm’s way on a daily basis to protect our communities from dangerous offenders armed with weapons.”

The Yorkshire and Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit welcomed the sentences imposed by the court.

“We are determined to keep the public safe by tackling those that chose to manufacture these lethal weapons,” they stated.

“Those that do will be hunted down and will feel the full weight of the law and should expect to receive lengthy sentences.”

Matt Perfect, Operations Manager at the National Crime Agency National Firearms Targeting Centre, said: “The NCA’s National Firearms Targeting Centre coordinates the national intelligence picture on firearms and played a key and decisive role in this investigation working alongside the YH ROCU.

“This OCG was the first in the UK convicted of trying to supply other criminal groups with 3D printed firearms.

“Gun crime in the UK continues to be relatively low compared to mainland Europe and is among the lowest in the world.

“However, demand for firearms in the criminal market continues. Suppressing their availability is therefore a national priority for the NCA and UK law enforcement.

“The NCA works closely with our policing partners at home and abroad to target criminals using firearms, and to cut off supply routes into the country as well as distribution within it.”