THE University of Bradford is making "reasonable progress" in bettering its Ofsted rating after being told it required improvement last year.

The watchdogs inspected the university, based on Richmond Road, for the first time in March 2022.

Inspectors judged the overall effectiveness of the provision as grade three of four - "Require Improvement".

A monitoring visit took place on March 8 and 9 of this year to evaluate the progress that leaders and managers have made in resolving the main areas that needed improving.

The university is pleased to see Ofsted has recognised its improvements and hopes to make further enhancements ahead of its next full inspection.

The report, released on May 5, focussed on four areas that the education provider is making "reasonable progress" in.

These were mapping higher degree programmes to the relevant apprenticeship standards, maintaining a rigorous oversight of the quality of higher level apprenticeships, making apprentices on the nurse associate standard aware of the additional support needed, and support provided to lecturers so they can give effective written feedback to apprentices.

The report says: "Leaders and managers have led an effective review of all apprenticeships.

"Since the previous inspection, leaders and managers have provided useful support for staff to help them to develop their understanding of all aspects of apprenticeships."

Inspectors recognise that leaders have implemented a range of actions leading to a "much-strengthened governance and oversight of apprenticeships".

However, more work is needed in relation to ensuring that apprentices experience "consistently good teaching".

The report added: "Rather than working independently in individual subjects and faculties, course leaders now see themselves as an apprenticeship team.

"They welcome the clarity about what is expected of them."

It is said apprentices who raised concerns at the previous inspection, which took place early in their programme, now feel that they receive "much better guidance and support". 

A spokesperson from the University of Bradford said: “We welcome the recent Ofsted monitoring report citing our progress since our first full inspection in March 2022, particularly in our commitment to ensuring our programmes maintain relevant apprenticeship standards, and that we have put measures in place to strengthen planning, oversight and the confidence of staff, both in terms of planning and delivery of our apprenticeship provision.

"A great deal of work has already been done to enhance our programmes in response to Ofsted recommendations and we will continue to make further enhancements in the future ahead of the next full inspection.”