Days are getting longer, the sun announcing its arrival by spilling out onto the beautiful Yorkshire countryside, and we all have newfound energy to go outdoors and explore. Here is the perfect bucket list to successfully enjoy a summer full of self exploration, peace with nature around us and of course, a lot of fun.


Have a ‘full out day’ – 24 hours of doing everything you can to nail that essay that’s gnawing at the back of your head, fulfill that childhood dream of just chasing some butterflies down a stream or make an arts & crafts masterpiece with a deep meaning that only you understand. Whatever pops into your head, go for it!


Have a makeover – get digging in your sisters wardrobe and put together an outfit that is the complete opposite of your personality. You might surprise yourself with how well you suit your alter ego.


Plunge into a deep dive on an interesting subject – even the most mundane things can have an alluring history. Find out more about your heritage, borrow some books from the library. You can even pretend to be a detective on a mission to find a lost secret. Learn absolutely everything you can about the topic, and just hope someone asks about it in the near future.


You aren’t the only one in the world, talk to people! Invite an old friend round for tea, remind someone of a funny story in which you both played the main roles, start a conversation at work or at school. Socialise until you feel like you are connected to everyone in the world, and they to you.


Make someone’s day – Little compliments about someone’s outfit or a simple smile go a long way, and form a widespread chain reaction of happiness. Be the first domino. For example, collect a small bouquet of wildflowers and leave them in a noticeable place. This kind action can make the biggest difference in a persons mood.


Be an explorer – you don’t need to deck khaki trousers or get a magnifying glass in your hand to look at the world in a different light. Make it your mission to document every compelling object you meet or encounter you have. Consider everything alive and waiting to be discovered, not overlooked – that way a simple fence can take on the form of an artwork. We often take this amazing planet for granted, perhaps we should step back and admire it more often.


This year make your summer more interesting and discover a new angle to your worldview. Explore, get creative and have fun!