A Bradford mum says the sight of churned up grass outside her house leaves her feeling embarrassed and depressed.

Caroline Daniel, who lives with her daughter Holly and two year old granddaughter, has called for action over muddy grass verges on Moorcroft Avenue in Thornbury.

The grass verges turn into a “mud bath” when it rains, she claimed - leading to nightmare conditions as drivers persistently park their cars on the mess.

Bradford Council said it is aware of the problem while Incommunities described it as a “complex situation”.

Caroline, who has lived on the street for almost 23 years, said: “Over the years it’s got worse.

“When I get a taxi or friends pick me up it feels really embarrassing.

“I have to clean shoes all the time. When it rains it’s like a mud bath.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: How the muddy grass verge has looked over the yearsHow the muddy grass verge has looked over the years (Image: Newsquest, Mike Simmonds)

Caroline would like to see the Council’s Highways department replace the grass verges with tarmac and create parking bays for residents.

In a message to authorities, the 44-year-old said: “Try and come up with some kind of solution, even if it’s just a couple of bays - anything is better than nothing.

“I want where I live to be nice and not to feel embarrassed.”

A spokesperson for Incommunities said maintenance falls under Bradford Council’s ownership. 

Some of the homes are privately owned, ruling out options like fencing off land. 

A spokesperson said: “We are aware of ongoing parking issues in this area and sympathise with affected residents.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Holly Daniel, pictured left, and an example of the muddy grass verge captured by Caroline Daniel previouslyHolly Daniel, pictured left, and an example of the muddy grass verge captured by Caroline Daniel previously (Image: Newsquest, Mike Simmonds)

“This is a complex situation with a number of factors which make finding an easy solution difficult. We are in contact with the council to look at how we can best work together.”

A Bradford Council spokesperson said its neighbourhoods service has recently swept mud away from the pavements following a request.

The spokesperson said: “We are aware of the problems with this street and the persistent parking on the verges which is churning up the grass and damaging the ground. We are trying to find solutions to the problem.

“This issue of demand for on-street parking exceeding the supply of available spaces is common in many residential areas across the Bradford district; this is as a result of a significant part of our housing stock being built when car ownership levels were much lower. Verges can play an important role in providing greenery in urban and residential areas and soaking up rainfall to minimise localised flood risk.

“Our parking wardens don’t have the powers to issue a Penalty Charge Notice as there is no legal order, in terms of lines or signs. 

“Our Highways Enforcement team sometimes do leaflet drops around the area to ask people not to park in a way that causes damage or obstruction, but this does not have any legal power and relies on residents’ goodwill.”