PLANS for a new supermarket in a village have been given the go-ahead. 

Calderdale Council planning councillors approved proposals to change the use of Sovereign House at Crowtrees Lane, Rastrick, from general industrial use to convenience food store.

It will become a Sainsbury's Local councillors heard.

However applicants’ Sovereign Lubricants (Yorkshire) Ltd’s permission is subject to a legal agreement being signed – councillors were “mindful to permit” the application.

When agreed this will see a new pedestrian crossing built to improve pedestrian access to the store and allow for a traffic regulation order.

Opinions among people commenting were split over the plans, with the council receiving 28 letters of objection and 18 letters of support.

Those objecting were concerned about increased traffic, increased noise from deliveries, whether parking would be adequate, it being unfair on existing businesses and it being too close to schools.

People in favour said it would offer more shopping choice, would help elderly people who would not have far to walk to it, offering some off-road parking and bringing the village for facilities including a coffee outlet and an ATM.

Councillors heard Sovereign had been on the site for 30 years but needed to relocate with its five employees to premises now more suitable for its needs and wanted to do this within Calderdale.

Sainsbury’s will be providing 20 to 25 full or part-time jobs, said the applicant’s agent.

Councillors unanimously approved the application after asking questions about pedestrian access and the crossing point, impact on listed cottages close to the site, a service management plan for deliveries, and whether a fence would be high enough to cut out light pollution from car headlights on vehicles using the site from nearby homes – officers said it would be.

Coun Robert Thornber (Con, Ryburn) said the plans would see another business bringing employment to Calderdale and increase services available to villagers.

“I think it’s a good addition to the Rastrick area,” he said.