Shameless actor Jody Latham was banned from driving after admitting doing 108mph on the A59 at Skipton.

Latham, 25, pictured, was late for an interview in Harrogate when he was stopped at Pacegate on January 19, Skipton magistrates were told yesterday.

The court heard that Latham had been delayed for the interview for an acting part because his son, who he was taking to football practice in the Skipton area, had become ill.

In mitigation, Mark Irlam said Latham had made himself late for his reading in Harrogate because he had been organising care for his son. He explained that Latham realised he would be banned from driving, but asked that it be kept to the absolute minimum.

"He is a self-employed actor and drives in excess of 40,000 miles per year. He drives all over the country and can go to London, Glasgow and Bradford," he said.

Mr Irlam added that Latham shared custody of his son and was responsible for driving him to school from Nelson to Burnley every day.

Latham, who played Philip Lip' Gallagher in Channel Four's Shameless, also recently appeared in ITV's The Fixer.

Latham told magistrates: "I appreciate your leniency and apologise for what I have done."

Latham, of Ridgeway, Barrowford, Nelson, was banned from driving for 56 days and was fined £200. In addition, he was ordered to pay £45 costs and £15 victims surcharge.