THE upper floors of a semi-derelict industrial building can be converted into a snooker lounge – despite objections from residents living nearby.

Located a short distance from Oak Lane in Manningham, 15 Mansfield Road is an early 1900s building that is currently used as a plumbers’ merchants on the ground floor.

Last year, a planning application to turn the upper floor into a snooker lounge was submitted to Bradford Council by Shabir Ahmed, and on Wednesday morning that application was approved by the Council’s Bradford Planning Panel.

Some of the objectors spoke at the meeting to raise concerns that the business would lead to anti-social behaviour and loud noise.

But members decided that the snooker lounge was a good use for a neglected building that could legally be brought back into industrial use at any time.

The Panel was told that if the plans were approved, the business would be made up of seven snooker rooms and four pool rooms.

There would be 12 parking spaces for the business to the rear of the building.

The original plans were for the business to open 24 hours a day, but after negotiations with planners the applicants agreed that the business would now shut at 11pm.

Ayaz Arshad, one of the objectors, said: “I’ve lived here for 35 years, and in that time I’ve experienced a lot of anti-social behaviour. We’re up to our eyeballs in anti-social behaviour.

“There are enough snooker halls in commercial areas, we don’t need one in a residential area. Children won’t get a good night’s sleep because of the noise.”

Josh Harley, the agent for the applicant, said: “There is nothing stopping the owners from subletting these upper floors to other businesses who could use the space much more intensively.

“Snooker is a civilised sport, and a very quiet sport. There are other uses this building could be used for that would be a lot more disruptive than what is proposed.

“We will regenerate this building to create small, self-contained snooker rooms. It won’t be attracting hundreds of people.”

Councillor Brendan Stubbs (Lib Dem, Eccleshill) said: “Looking at this building, the upper floors are largely unused and are in a pretty poor condition.

“We have to look favourably on anything to bring it back into use and improve the look of the building.

“I’d expect the owners would operate within the rules and I’d expect any anti-social behaviour to be dealt with by good management.

“I don’t see any planning reason why we shouldn’t approve bringing an empty building like this back into use.”

Members unanimously voted to approve the plans.