GRITTERS have been out across the Bradford district on all Priority One Routes and will continue throughout the day, the Council has said. 

Crews are expected to be out again from 3pm today, to do another full grit of all the Priority One Routes, with further patrols overnight. 

In a Facebook post, Bradford Council said: "Our hard-working gritter crews have been out from 4.30am this morning to do a full grit of all Priority One Routes across the district and to grit pavement routes in towns and the city centre.

"Crews will remain out throughout the day gritting routes where needed.

"We will then have our full crews back out from 3pm to do another full grit of all Priority One Routes.

"Some drivers will then be out on patrol overnight and in to the early hours of the morning to grit main routes.

"Please take care if you're out and about."