A MILK man avoided a driving ban because his six children would have had to get up at 5am to get to school.

Gary France, of Manor Haigh Road in Wakefield, failed to give information relating to the identification of the driver of a vehicle in Bradford on September 2, 2021.

The 42-year-old was not given a totting disqualification due to his mitigating circumstances which showed "expectational hardship".

Court documents say France has six children that rely on him solely.

He works night shifts as a milk delivery man.

If France is unable to work, he would need to get his children up and ready for school at 5am before they use public transport.

The documents also say the defendant needs his car for supermarket runs and dentist appointments for his children.

France was fined £500 and a victim surcharge of £50.

His case was heard at Bradford Magistrates' Court on Friday, February 24.