With exam season approaching and mocks for year 11s, it is very crucial to have a go to revision format/timetable with effective techniques. Social media and technology’s abilities are increasing  by the day which enables revision apps to come into place and help many generations to ace their exams. I will be listing 10 apps which can help effectively with revision in no certain order.


Knowunity – England’s largest study platform where many students have access to other students study notes and study materials. You can create a profile, like, follow and share and ask other students for advice on studies! This is helpful as students can interact with each other and share their notes which reduces stress however can help improve grades.


Studysmarter- A revision app where you can make flashcards, notes, explanations, quizzes and even a study timer is included on the app. You can also discover millions of the communities study resources.


My English Literature GCSE- Great support on English literature with help to learn new quotations, quizzes, flashcards.


GoodNotes 5- For students who struggle to write in class as neatly by hand.


Flipd – A study timer which allows you to focus even more on your studies.


OffScreen- Social media and using your electronic devices can greatly distract you so analysing what distracts you most can help reduce the amount of time spent being distracted.


Quizlet- Great flash cards which increases attention span.


Adapt- Revision timetable, helping with organisation.




PEARSON revision app


Consequently, with social media improving and many free apps available for GSCE students it’s important that all students can take advantage of these apps and use them to the best of their abilities.