SIGNS of spring are poking through the ground, as crocuses and daffodils brighten up parks and gardens. After the drab winter months, their colours are uplifting and bring the promise of warmer days to come.
Here, Lister Park head gardener Chris Russell is pictured among a beautiful swathe of crocuses in 2011. The carpet of purple, white and yellow is stunning. 
Flowering mainly in late winter to early spring, crocuses bring welcome cheer in borders, seasonal containers or when planted on lawns. 
In addition to the spring flowering varieties, another group of crocuses flowers in autumn.
If you are a real fan, one of the best places in Yorkshire to see crocuses in all their glory is Harrogate, where they are a stunning feature of The Stray. Here, six to seven million crocuses planted in the grass over the years, bloom to create a spectacular sight.