POLICE have been thanked for cracking down on motorists abusing an 'Access Only' road.

On Thursday night (February 16), officers from the Bradford South Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) and the Steerside Enforcement Team patrolled Toftshaw Lane in Tong.

This was after reports and concerns from residents and businesses who were having issues with drivers using the road as a cut-through.

Police said Toftshaw Lane has been used more often over the past week due to ongoing gas leak roadworks on Tong Street.

Several motorists were stopped by officers who issued seven tickets. They also seized one vehicle as it was being driven by an individual without insurance or a licence.

Councillor Matt Edwards (Green, Tong) said Toftshaw Lane is a dangerous spot when it comes to crashes.

Cllr Edwards said: “I’m really grateful for the police and their work on Toftshaw Lane.

"Residents and businesses have been having issues with people using this road as a cut-through.

“I know people are wanting to get around traffic on Tong Street, but the road is 'Access Only' for a reason – it is just too narrow to take high numbers of vehicles and that is a big danger for motorists and pedestrians. 

“Even though this road is 'Access Only', it actually has some of the highest number of accidents in Bradford South.

"I am also working with Bradford Council and local residents to try and get additional measures along here to tackle speeding and make this road less inviting as a cut-through.”

A spokesperson from the force said: "Officers from Bradford South NPT T2 and Steerside T2 attended Toftshaw Lane in the Tong Ward due to reports and concerns from local residents. 

"The road here is 'Access Only' for residents but this is often abused by motorists who are not residents.

"The issues here have increased over the past week due to ongoing gas leak roadworks on Tong Street.

"We spoke to local residents and dealt with several motorists using this route illegally. 

"Many vehicles were stopped, educated and turned back around.

"Seven tickets were issued to motorists and one vehicle was seized for driving without insurance or a licence.

"We will continue to carry out patrols here when we can and educate as many drivers as we can.

"The route is not designed to handle such traffic and its use by such volumes of traffic puts drivers and pedestrians at risk.

"Bradford South NPT will act on community concerns where we can."