THE Prime Minister has been in the Bradford district on an unannounced visit this morning.

READ: Prime Minister wishes Bingley well in next round for key funding

Rishi Sunak had breakfast with Bingley Rural Ward councillors Sally Birch and Paul Sullivan, as well as local business owners, at The Lounge in Bingley.

On Facebook, Cllr Sally Birch said: "Great to have breakfast with our PM today at The Lounge.

"Very engaging and we had a good chat."

Business owner Michelle Chapman added: "Lovely Monday morning with my business owner friends and the Prime Minister.

"Bingley getting a visit that it so deserves."

Later in the morning, just after 9am, motorists noticed Mr Sunak heading east on the M62.

Half a dozen police vehicles were shepherding a grand SUV between Ainley Top and Brighouse.

Large police escorts are typically used for significant figures such as ministers or royals.

One driver said: "I was heading east on the M62 this morning – just between Ainley Top and Brighouse, when a police motorbike with blue lights came the other way in the fast lane.

"There was a gap and then five or six more police outriders on blues, followed by what looked like a fairly grand black SUV."

He added: “It was obviously a really important visit and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the Prime Minister – either that or a very important Minister.

"It made quite a spectacular sight and not what you expect to see on your Monday commute to Bradford.”