BRADFORD Cathedral will welcome the Heritage Singers as the first of their visiting choirs for 2023 next weekend.

The choir will be singing at Evensong on the Saturday and Sunday evenings, and at the 10.30am Eucharist on Sunday.

The choir last sung at the Cathedral in February 2020, as the final visiting choir before Covid.

Tim Knight, Musical Director and Founder of The Heritage Singers, said: “For the last 30 years, the Heritage Singers have sung at around 1,500 services, from the tiniest churches to the largest cathedrals, as well as countries like Norway, Hungary and America.

“We are – in many respects – a strange visiting choir because we don’t sing any of the most regularly sung settings.

“Our repertoire has always been of music that’s not regularly performed, so congregations won’t hear what was sung the previous week.

“I’m also a firm believer in simple repertoire done well, and leaving the more complex works to Cathedral choirs who practice every day.

“We will do our best to aid the Cathedral congregation’s worship, and to add to the meaning of the worship.”

The Heritage Singers will sing at Bradford Cathedral on Saturday, February 11 at 5.30pm and on Sunday, February 12 at 10.30am.

For more information, visit