A DRUNK driver sped off from the police with vodka in his car while on the way to collect children from a mosque, Bradford Crown Court heard today.

Asim Iqbal was jailed for ten months after racking up his third conviction for drink-driving while being pursued across central Bradford on a busy afternoon.

Iqbal, 31, of Rochester Street, Bradford Moor, Bradford, was at the wheel of a grey Mercedes when he was spotted going at speed on Gilpin Street at 4pm on December 13 last year.

Prosecutor Nicola Hoskins said an officer on patrol followed the car along Barkerend Road, pulled up alongside and ordered Iqbal to hand over the keys. He took the ignition key out but then put it back and drove off.

Miss Hoskins said he appeared to be under the influence of drink or drugs. His eyes were dilated and he was slumped in his seat.

The car began weaving in and out of traffic in Little Germany, then using the bus lane, exceeding the speed limit and jumping lights.

Other drivers had to take evasive action to avoid a collision. It was dark and the roads were icy.

Iqbal, the sole occupant of the car, did a U-turn and went on to the Shipley/Airedale Road where he was blocked in by heavy traffic. He was arrested and handcuffed after a short struggle.

Miss Hoskins said his alcohol reading was 83 micrograms in 100 millilitres of breath, the legal limit being 35.

He made no comment when questioned and tore up a codes of practice book valued at £8.

Iqbal pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, driving over the prescribed alcohol limit and criminal damage to the book.

The court heard that he had two previous convictions for drink-driving, dating from 2016 and 2018.

Kristina Goodwin said in mitigation that he had reached a low point in his life. He had depression and anxiety and was struggling to cope, using alcohol as a crutch.

He was a family man who felt deep shame and had since sought the medical help he needed.

References spoke highly of him and he had written to the court saying he was determined to sort his life out.

Judge Jonathan Rose said Iqbal had a poor record for driving matters, with two previous convictions for being over the drink-drive limit. On the second occasion he was banned for three years.

He had been drinking vodka before he got into the car and it was in the vehicle with him.

Iqbal was on his way to collect children from a mosque, potentially putting them in jeopardy.

“You weren’t intoxicated, you were drunk,” Judge Rose told him.

He said others in the city needed to be deterred from committing offences of dangerous driving.

Iqbal was banned from driving for 51 months and until he passes an extended test.