Nearly a quarter of drivers believe that the punishment for not wearing a seat belt is too lenient, according to a survey from the RAC.

Of the 1,800 motorists polled 24% said the existing maximum penalty in Britain of a £500 fine is not strong enough.

Additionally, 69% said offenders should receive at least three points on their licence as well as a fine.

The results of the survey were released on Tuesday to mark the 40th anniversary of a law coming into force requiring drivers to wear seat belts.

Further questions were asked on the level of responsibility the driver should have to make sure all of their passengers were wearing seat belt.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The punishment for not wearing a seat belt is currently a £500 fineThe punishment for not wearing a seat belt is currently a £500 fine (Image: PA)

In total 68% said this should be the case, although current laws only require the driver to ensure themselves and children under the age of 14 are secured.

Meanwhile, 4% of respondents admitted to driving without a seat belt in the previous 12 months, with 22% of these saying they do not belt up on at least half of journeys.

Department for Transport (DfT) figures show the proportion of car occupants killed in crashes on Britain’s roads who were not wearing a seat belt reached 30% in 2021, the most in records dating back to 2013.

RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams said: “Today’s anniversary provides the ideal moment for the Government to show it’s serious about improving safety on our roads and put an action plan in place for getting more of us to buckle up in the first place.

“For most people, getting into a car and putting on a seat belt is second nature but it’s obvious more needs to be done to get those who haven’t developed this habit to change their ways.

“Our research shows drivers are clearly supportive of greater penalties, which we know the Government is considering.

“But, arguably, toughening the law isn’t enough: drivers need to think there’s a good chance of being caught in the first place.”