JUST Stop Oil supporters from West Yorkshire took part in ‘go slow’ march in Manchester on Saturday.

The group is demanding that the Government stops all new UK oil and gas projects, and the supporters took the action in defiance of the Prime Minister’s recent threat to crack down on the ‘go slow’ marches.

Climate scientists have warned that the granting of new fossil fuel licenses is incompatible with staying within 1.5C of global warming – a temperature increase widely understood to be disastrous for nature and humanity.

Further marches are planned across the north in the coming months.

Just Stop Oil supporter Mark Stephens, 35, is an ex-soldier and software engineer from Hebden Bridge.

He said: “The world is on the brink of multiple disastrous climate tipping points which, if crossed, will spell the beginning of the end of human civilisation.

Fellow supporter George Simonson, 23, a bicycle courier from Leeds, added: “This is the most important moment humans have ever faced. We have a choice: continue extracting and burning fossil fuels and seal our fate with runaway climate change, or step up and demand a better future for everyone.

“Nobody wants to raise a child on a dead planet plagued by food shortages and droughts.”