LOOKING at this evocative, undated, picture of workers leaving Salts Mill, you can almost hear the chatter of the men and women as they leave their shift.
There’s a good range of headwear on show, ranging from traditional flat caps and the odd bowler for the men, to straw boater-style hats and what look like tam o’ shanters for the women. These seem very popular, with most women wearing them. Some women are wearing shawls wrapped around their heads.
The workers are filing through the grand stone gates, each no doubt thinking about what they are having for their tea once they get home.
I wonder what they would make of Salts Mill today, devoid of industrial machinery, with its stylish galleries, shops and diner. They would be amazed and enthralled, as are many visitors who come from far and wide to see the historic building in the UNESCO World Heritage village.