THE refurbishment of a city centre building, which is currently being converted into flats, has been approved.

Over the years there have been numerous proposals to turn Park House on Well Street, opposite the Broadway Shopping Centre, into flats.

In 2020 a “permitted development” application was submitted by a Robert Issler to create 59 flats in the seven storey former office building.

Permitted development was introduced by Government in 2015, and allows developers to create flats in empty buildings without the need for a full planning application.

Such applications can only be blocked if they raise environmental health or highways concerns.

Bradford Council passed the permitted development in 2020, but planners said any change to the building’s exterior would need a full planning application.

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Although the building was constructed in the 1970s, it lies within the Little Germany Conservation Area.

An application for external works has now been approved.

Changes will include the replacement of all the building’s windows with double glazed, aluminium framed windows, and to repair or replace stonework.

Planning officers said although the building was in a conservation area, its appearance made a “negative contribution” to the area, and was “at odds with the more austere and traditional character of the late 19th century warehouses in Little Germany.”