A BRADFORD humanitarian activist started his 2023 distributing aid to refugees in France and Belgium.

Nazim Ali from Bradford went to refugee camps in Calais and Dunkirk between December 30, 2022, and January 2, 2023.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Nazim Ali donates aid to refugees in Calais. Picture: Nazim AliNazim Ali donates aid to refugees in Calais. Picture: Nazim Ali (Image: Nazim Ali)

Through a charity organisation based in Dewsbury, SKT, a team of six took two vans loaded with blankets to make winter easier for refugees.

The deployment was in memory of his friend Shiraz Ali Shah Bukhari who died six years ago at the age of 33.

Nazim said: “We went to France & Belgium together with SKT Welfare in Sept 2015 to distribute humanitarian aid to refugees in France & Belgium with Shah Gee driving one of the vans.

“Therefore, my recent journey was tinged with sadness and emotion as I kept thinking of him and know if he was alive, he would have been on the frontline distributing humanitarian aid.”

The group distributed 550 blankets whilst they were there and the further 250 blankets would be donated In their absence.

Nazim added: “It was wet, windy and cold.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Nazim Ali and his late friend Shiraz Ali Shah Bukhari. Picture: Nazim Ali Nazim Ali and his late friend Shiraz Ali Shah Bukhari. Picture: Nazim Ali (Image: Nazim Ali)

“I was profoundly shocked to find refugees staying in tents next to railway lines, overgrown fields and jungle-like conditions.

“The refugees I encountered were mainly from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Sudan & Eritrea.

“I met young families with children and was thinking how will they survive the harsh winter living in tents.”

“It was heart-warming to put smiles on the refugees faces, showing that we care about them and their plight.

“I am grateful to SKT Welfare for organising this deployment and giving me the opportunity to go with them.”

Nazim has been at the forefront of community and humanitarian initiatives for the past 25 years and spends time volunteering at local and international initiatives.

He has raised over £630,000 for charitable causes in Bradford and abroad.

Nazim said: “I am eternally thankful to the donors for their kind donations and ongoing support which is humbling.

“It is because of you I am able to do what I do and would not be possible without you. God bless you all.”

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