THE 11th Shipley and 4th Cottingley Brownies have raised more than £1,200 for cancer appeal Jacqui’s Million.

The youngsters collected donations at Tesco, Peel Centre and told shoppers about the appeal, raising £1 million for Leeds Cancer Centre.

Said Jacqui Drake, who runs the appeal: "My friend Helen Williams is Brown Owl of both 11th Shipley and 4th Cottingley Brownies. Helen is a great supporter of Jacqui's Million and encourages the girls to get involved in fund raising to achieve their charity Brownie badge.

"During the pandemic of course we couldn't do any bucket collections so it was really lovely when I spoke to Tracey Porter, Community Champion at Tesco, Peel Centre in Bradford, and she confirmed that the girls could go in to their store during October to December to collect for Jacqui's Million and raise awareness too of my appeal and all the patients we help with donations.

"Even in these very difficult and challenging times financially I still find that people are so very generous. They managed to raise a staggering £1,287.50 for my appeal! I can't thank them enough for all their support and all who donated while doing their shopping. It truly does mean so much to me, the hospital and all the cancer patients we help.

"The appeal has reached a total of £345,749, which means we brought in £58,149 in 2022 - amazing considering the current economic climate."

Adds Jacqui: "This money raised will go towards funding informative artwork/mural explaining patients' journey for chemotherapy for day ward J80 at Leeds cancer Centre. This is really important so that patients aren't scared and know what to expect from their treatment and care.

"Jacqui's Million is all about funding the things that our incredible NHS are not able to, and also more importantly about patient comfort care during their cancer journey.

"Jacqui's Million is very honoured and fortunate to be in store as part of the Bradford Community Grants Scheme, where customers can use little blue tokens given at the till to vote for the deserving cause they want to see receive the most amount of funding."

The stores where you can vote are: Tesco Bradford Peel; Tesco Express Baildon; Tesco Express Shipley; Tesco Express Sunbridge Road, Bradford; Tesco Express Crossflats.