LEEDS could soon follow Bradford Council in introducing legislation to clamp down on nuisance motorcyclists who’ve been plaguing Leeds residents with late-night noise.

Leeds Council has revealed it may introduce a public space protection order (PSPO), which could see engine-revving riders slapped with on-the-spot fines.

Bradford Council introduced such an order across the District in 2019.

Leeds police said last summer they would dedicate more resources to tackling nuisance bikers, following reports in east and south Leeds that noise was regularly keeping people awake at night.

A senior council officer suggested on Thursday that “young people having time on their hands” was linked to the problem.

As a result, public money has helped fund a scheme in Seacroft, where around 15 young people have been taught mechanics skills, as well as how to ride vehicles safely and legally.

Speaking at a scrutiny meeting, Paul Money from the council’s safer stronger communities team, said:“I think the issue of anti-social use of vehicles, and motorcycles in particular, is a significant one that’s been experienced in a lot of communities – certainly in east Leeds and south Leeds as well.”

Mr Money said the council was working with the police on a possible PSPO which cover “the whole of the city”, but added that less punitive measures, such as the Seacroft course, had “proved to be effective” in tackling the problem.

He added: “Our approach is being developed and enhanced over time.

“The enforcement type of approach is something we need to do and we’ll continue to do it.

“But our preference really is still to stop this at source. Some of this is to do with the time young people have on their hands, which is not dissimilar to other forms of anti-social behaviour.

“But there will be continued work on this agenda, not least on the PSPO.”

Last April, the Department of Transport announced a trial of new noise cameras in certain areas in a bid to “banish boy racers”.

Under the scheme, rowdy motorists face fines of up to £50 if they breach legal limits.

Bradford, Bristol, Birmingham and Great Yarmouth are all taking part in the trial, with the technology potentially being rolled out to other areas if successful.

The Bradford “camera” is located in Keighley.