A POPULAR and well-liked teenage girl from Oxenhope died when she suffered a cardiac arrest after taking MDMA, an inquest has found.

Lila-Grace Smith was just 17 when she lost her life after taking the drug in powder form while with friends at a house in Steeton, on June 4, 2022.

An inquest was held for the A-level student, known as Lila, at Bradford Coroners Court today.

Assistant coroner Mary Burke explained how Lila spent the evening of June 3 with two female friends.

They had initially planned to go out to bars, but then decided to stay in.

Lila started to feel unwell after taking MDMA - also known as ecstasy - something it is not believed she had ever taken before, prompting her friends to call one of their boyfriends for help at around 11pm.

Four males then arrived at the house – via taxi – at around 11.20pm and attempted CPR, before calling an ambulance at 11.42pm.

At 11.47pm, an ambulance took Lila to Airedale General Hospital where, despite efforts to save her, her death was confirmed at 12.45am.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:

Toxicology reports found MDMA was present in Lila’s blood at a level of 2.08 – which a doctor described as being “well within” the ranges which have been associated with deaths from the drug in the past.

Detective Sergeant Collum Hanogue, who supervised the police investigation, said mobile phone evidence revealed Lila and her two friends had been researching the effects of MDMA online.

He added that a video was found where voices were heard making reference to whoever had “taken the most” of it that night, although the screen was black and police were unable to identify who the voices belonged to.

DS Hanogue added that none of the girls, including Lila, appeared to be more dominant or had egged anyone else on – rather, all three were “willing participants”.

He also said that the phone number of a person who was believed to have supplied the drugs was found, but despite efforts to trace who it belonged to, all avenues had been “exhausted” and no criminal proceedings were ongoing.

DS Hanogue said that, when officers arrived at the house after being called by the ambulance service, the young people – who were all under 18 – were “upset, traumatised and shaking”.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:

In a statement read to the court by Lila’s mum, Emma Hargreaves, the teen was described as “like a friend, not just a daughter”.

Ms Hargreaves said her daughter was healthy and that the family had “no concerns” about her mental health.

Her parents had split up as recently as December 2021, but they had been “open” about it with their children, and it had only had a “minimal effect” on them.

Ms Hargreaves added that the split did not “seem like a big deal” for Lila.

“As a family, we had a really good relationship. Lila was very close with her brothers, parents and aunties,” Ms Hargreaves said.

“Lila wouldn’t miss family events for the world – she loved them.”

Ms Hargreaves had lost a friend to an ecstasy overdose in her youth and had warned Lila of the dangers of drugs.

Lila would often sleep over at friend’s houses and her parents were conscious that she may drink alcohol if she went to a party, but added that Lila “wasn’t really a drinker” and that they never worried about her.

She added that Lila “did well at school” and was studying psychology, biology and French at North Halifax Grammar School, while she had also worked part-time as a waitress, something she enjoyed.

She had taken piano lessons and had been with her boyfriend – who she first met when they were in primary school – for “some time”.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:

Concluding, assistant coroner Mary Burke again offered her condolences to Lila’s family, just as she had done at the start of proceedings.

“Lila’s death came about as a result of having consumed MDMA some hours prior,” she added.

“This is a tragic case of a young girl who had her whole life ahead of her.

“She had taken drugs without realising the potential consequences. She clearly had no idea that it might lead to an untimely death.

“We have a family here who will be grieving forever. Hopefully, young people out there who hear about this case may pause for a moment before they take such risks.”