A DANGER driver who ‘mocked’ the police by pretending to stop before speeding off in a black Volkswagen Passat while disqualified and uninsured has been jailed for ten months.

Judge Jonathan Rose said that Umar Ramzan, 27, was not the ‘very naughty boy’ described by his barrister but ‘a bad man’ who had endangered the lives of the police and the public during a pursuit across Bradford just before 6.30pm on April 11 last year.

Ramzan, of Fearnsides Terrace, Listerhills, Bradford, had convictions for driving over the prescribed limit and driving while disqualified and uninsured when he was spotted on Bingley Road.

Prosecutor Oliver Connor said he was followed by the police into an alley where he was told to turn off his engine. Ramzan complied but sped off as the officer went to get out of his vehicle to speak to him.

He went double the 30mph limit on Bradford Road, forced another vehicle to brake on Heaton Grove and took an unmade road on to North Park Road.

He left the car and fled on foot after going down Sunderland Road, Manningham, which is a dead end.

Ramzan was quickly apprehended after the two and a half minute car chase.

He told the police the Passat was his brother’s and then made no comment.

He pleaded guilty at the first opportunity to dangerous driving while disqualified and uninsured.

Mr Connor said it was a prolonged piece of bad driving at excessive speed in a built-up area by a banned driver.

Ramzan’s barrister, Eleanor Durdy, said he was a full-time financial adviser and newly-married. He was in with a bad crowd at the time and out ‘joyriding.’ He was very sorry, regretful and ashamed. He knew he could have caused a fatality and that he needed to learn a lesson.

“He was a very naughty boy and needed to grow up,” Miss Durdy said.

But Judge Rose said Ramzan wasn’t a naughty boy, he was a bad man.

He was disqualified and uninsured and had no regard for the damage he could cause to others.

He was driving the Passat ‘for no reason whatsoever’ while other road users and pedestrians were about, putting them in jeopardy.

Ramzan had ‘mocked the police by pretending to stop and then speeding off.’ “When the blue lights come on, you stop; you do not engage in a chase,” Judge Rose said.

Ramzan was jailed for eight months for dangerous driving with two months consecutive for breaching a community order.

He was banned from driving for 35 months.