DARK nights, wet weather and chilly temperatures are sure signs of winter, and you might find your pet is less inclined to brave the outdoors. So how can we keep them entertained and ensure they get enough exercise during the colder months?

Says PDSA nurse Nina Downing: “When pets don’t stay active, they're at risk of piling on extra pounds that could endanger their overall health - not to mention boredom, which can put them in mischief’s way! There are lots of fun ways to keep pets entertained this winter:

* Snuffle roll: A favourite for any playful puss or pooch and easy to set up. All you need is a small towel or blanket, your pet’s dry food and a treat or two. Lay the material on the floor and scatter the food over the top. Then roll the mat up, making sure the treats don’t fall out of either end. Now your pet can snuffle and sniff out their food, keeping their brain and nose active!

* Practice training and agility: Whilst indoors you can teach your pup new tricks or practice ones you both enjoy, using food or treats as a reward. Another fun way to build their fitness is to set up an indoor obstacle course. Whether it’s using chairs and a blanket to create a tunnel, a small foot stool for a hurdle or pairs of shoes for them to weave in and out of, they can provide hours of fun.

*Hide and seek: This childhood classic helps to train your dog, as they become attuned to listening out, as well as sniffing around for you to find where you’re hiding. Ask your dog to sit and stay before leaving the room. At first, stand or crouch in more obvious places and call your pooch to come find you. Not only will they use their eyes, ears and nose to seek you out, they will also engage their brain. As your dog becomes better at finding you, start to hide in more difficult places, like behind a door or curtain.

* Toys, toys, toys: All pets have a preference for their favourite toy, whether a squeaky ball or teaser on a stick. Utilising items that encourage their natural instincts is a great way of keeping your pet entertained - just make sure you swap the toy every few days so they don’t get bored of it.

Homemade toys work just as well as those from shops. Create a teaser with strips of fabric from old clothes, blankets, or towels - tie them together at one end, leaving the rest to trail behind for your pet to chase. The same technique can be used to make a tug toy; just make sure to knot all the pieces together every few centimetres from end to end, as this will add strength and provide something that you and your pet can both grip. Boxes are another favourite as they can be used in many ways, from making hidey holes to tunnels. Cut out holes and connect boxes together to create a maze for your pet to find their way through. Visit pdsa.org.uk/catexercise