A DISHONEST driver has been jailed for persistently lying to the police after he was caught speeding and cutting up another vehicle at traffic lights.

Jay, or Gibran, Hussain, 34, pleaded guilty to four offences of intending to pervert the course of public justice and was locked up for 16 months.

Bradford Crown Court heard that Hussain, of Fearnley Croft, Gomersal, was jailed for nine months in 2010 for causing the death of a girl aged 13 by careless driving and causing death by driving while uninsured.

He was back at the court in 2014 to receive seven years imprisonment for his role in a large-scale immigration scam.

Prosecutor Ella Embleton said today that Hussain was on licence when he committed some of the new offences. He blamed a fictitious man called Mohammed Khalil for three offences of speeding in a BMW and an offence of driving without due care and attention when he was caught on dashcam footage undercutting another motorist and narrowly avoiding a central bollard.

The court heard that the offences were committed in Bradford between November 5, 2020, and January 7, 2021, when Hussain was driving a BMW.

He made no reply to the Notices of Intended Prosecution and then nominated the non-existent Mr Khalil as the driver on all four occasions. He used the family address at Box Tree Close, Girlington, Bradford, for him and provided a phone number operated from Estonia.

Miss Embleton said the police investigated Hussain’s claim that Mr Khalil was the wrongdoer but could find no trace of him.

When interviewed by the police, Hussain persisted with his lies, saying Mr Khalil had borrowed his car on all four occasions but he hadn’t heard from him since. He was even able to provide a detailed description.

Peter Hampton said in mitigation that Hussain’s best point was his admission to all the offences at the magistrates’ court.

He was the main carer for his father but ‘only he was responsible for placing himself in the custodial setting.’ Mr Hampton conceded that Hussain’s convictions for causing death by careless driving and conspiracy to defraud were aggravating factors. But character references spoke of a man capable of being honest and helpful to other members of the community.

Judge Jonathan Rose said that in June, 2010, Hussain was jailed for nine months for the crash in which the girl aged 13 died. After the fatal smash, his father had put himself in the driving seat and his son had at first connived with that.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Judge Jonathan RoseJudge Jonathan Rose

In November, 2014, Hussain was jailed for seven years for conspiracy to defraud and he was on licence at the time of some of the latest offences.

Being caught driving carelessly showed he had learnt nothing from the tragedy in which the child was killed.

“You have persisted in attempts to undermine the course of justice so a custodial sentence is inevitable,” Judge Rose said.

Hussain was banned from driving for three years and eight months.