A DRUG dealer pursued across Bradford after the police were alerted to black smoke coming from his car was today jailed for 18 months.

Bradford Crown Court heard that Reece Butler was currently serving a four-year prison sentence for drugs offences committed in September, 2019.

Butler, 25, of Howgill Green, Royds, Bradford, was on bail when he was chased by the police on April 3, 2020, prosecutor Nicola Hoskins said.

The officers saw black smoke coming from the exhaust of the VW Golf he was driving. It sped off at 60mph along Poplar Grove, crossed a blind junction at Great Horton Road and failed to take a bend, crashing into a metal traffic island at Cooper Lane.

Butler opened the door of the smashed up Golf, damaging the police vehicle that had pulled up alongside, and fled on foot. He was pursued, arrested and handcuffed.

He had bags of cocaine on him, and more drugs, an incriminating phone and £220 cash were seized from the Golf.

Butler made full and frank admissions to the police and pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine with intent to supply, dangerous driving and possession of the money as criminal property.

Miss Hoskins said the total value of the cocaine seized was £280.

She told the court that the Golf was uninsured and Butler had tested positive for cocaine after his arrest.

His barrister, Hana Ahmed, said he wasn’t charged with the offences for two years and eight months. In February, 2021, he was jailed at Bradford Crown Court for a total of 56 months for earlier offences.

All matters should have been dealt with together, Miss Ahmed said.

Butler was street dealing to pay off a debt and was very remorseful. He had great insight into his offending and its impact on others.

He was now a completely different person and there was a real prospect of rehabilitation.

Butler had completed ten courses in prison and was in a trusted role as gym orderly, Miss Ahmed said.

He had a partner and a young child and a job waiting for him on his release that was due in June, 2023.

Judge Jonathan Rose said Butler was on bail when he committed the offences in April, 2020. But he had put his time in prison to good use and had a job lined up on his release.

Today’s sentences totalling 18 months would not greatly add to the time he would spend in custody.

He was banned from driving for two years and nine months and until he passes an extended test.