A DRUG dealer already serving a jail sentence today had his time behind bars extended by 20 months for trafficking cannabis, crack cocaine and heroin in Bradford.

Mohammed Jabbar, 25, of Sowden Road, Heaton, Bradford, pleaded guilty to possession of the Class B and Class A drugs with intent to supply.

Bradford Crown Court heard that the offending took place in Langbar Avenue, Heaton, on December 3, 2018.

Recorder Abdul Iqbal KC said Jabbar had seven previous convictions for 17 offences, including matters of violence and driving offences.

In May, 2017, he was sentenced to 29 months’ imprisonment at Preston Crown Court for possession with intent to supply heroin and crack cocaine.

He was arrested in December, 2018, for the second set of drugs offences but not prosecuted ‘in a timely way,’ Recorder Iqbal said.

The case was still outstanding when Jabbar was locked up for 40 months in May last year for possession of crack cocaine with intent to supply in April, 2020. He was also sentenced for dangerous driving when he tried to flee the scene.

Recorder Iqbal said he now had to sentence Jabbar ‘out of turn’ for the matters committed more than four years ago, between the two other drugs trafficking offences.

He had no doubt that he would have received a longer sentence last May if the 2018 dealing had been included.

In mitigation, it was stated that Jabbar had been a model prisoner looking forward to his release.

He was a family man with two children and his wife was in court to support him.

All he wanted to do was get out of prison and find work to support his family who were the ones suffering because of his behaviour.

Recorder Iqbal jailed Jabbar for 20 months to run consecutively with the sentence he is already serving.