A FIRE chief has highlighted the danger of playing on frozen lakes after the death of four boys in Solihull.

The tragedy was raised at a meeting of West Yorkshire Fire Authority on Friday, when one Councillor asked if the deaths would lead to a rollout of an awareness campaign in the area.

Leeds Councillor Karen Renshaw (Lab) said: “Has anything been done locally following those four deaths?

“We have large lakes and bodies of water in every area of West Yorkshire. Is there any specific campaign we can roll out?”

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Dave Walton said the service had addressed the issue on social media, and highlighted the danger of cold water and ice.

He added: “We have done other campaigns through the media, and I’ve been interviewed for several broadcasts this week, and it’s something we’ll continue to build on.

“Our education programme tends to be more focused on summer and warning people not to jump into water in summer to cool off.

“However, if we ever needed it, this week has shown the danger of ice.”