A PAIR of Bradford twin girls have made a heart-warming decision to cut their long locks to help children suffering from cancer.

Twin five-year-olds, Aizah and Ailah Malik, who live in Bradford city centre, are getting their hair cut and then donating it to the charity Little Princess Trust.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Aizah and Ailah will get their hair cut to make into a wig for a child with cancerAizah and Ailah will get their hair cut to make into a wig for a child with cancer (Image: Newsquest)

The Little Princess Trust offers a free, real hair wig to help restore a child's confidence and identity when they lose their hair to cancer or another condition.

Fozia Shamim, who is the mother of the twin girls, said: "Aizah and Ailah have decided to get their much loved long hair cut short so they are able to donate their hair to the Little Princess Trust.

"At first they were reluctant to get their hair cut short but when mummy explained where the hair would be used they have become very passionate about getting it cut and donating it.

"They've got long hair which is long enough to donate to the charity to make a wig.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Aizah and Ailah Shamin will get their hair cut to make into a wigAizah and Ailah Shamin will get their hair cut to make into a wig (Image: Newsquest)

Fozia also explained why the big-hearted girls wanted to donate their hair.

"They saw a little girl had no hair and they asked me why she didn't have long hair.

"So they decided they were going to get their hair cut to make into a wig.

"If there are children who need it and my girls are happy to get their cut, I'm all for it," said Fozia.

"We initially aimed to raise £250 but we've raised over £500 already through friends, family and people on social media.

"I mentioned it to their headteacher and it sounds like they might receive a special award for doing this.

She explained why family and friends have been so supportive of the girl's decision.

"We always think about the children and why it is so important for them to give something back to people who need it.

"Everybody has been so encouraging, it's just given them an extra boost to want to do it.

And Fozia spoke of her pride as a mother about the twins' desire to help others.

"It makes me feel so proud that they want to help others."

In addition to making wigs for children, the Little Princess Trust charity also funds childhood cancer research seeking to find kinder and more effective treatments. To find out more about the charity, visit littleprincesses.org.uk 

To make a donation on behalf of Aizah and Ailah, visit justgiving.com/page/fozia-shamim-1668969878666


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