A RANGE of traffic calming measures could be installed to stop speeding on a Bradford road, a meeting has heard.

Beacon Road has been identified by local councillors as a road that needs serious intervention to stop speeding drivers.

In the past five years, there has been 16 reported crashes on the road, of which four resulted in injuries to pedestrians.   

At a meeting of Bradford Council’s Bradford South Area Committee on Thursday, members were given an update on further measures that could improve traffic safety on the road.

A report to the committee said traffic-calming measures and a 20mph limit would cost around £70,000.

Further pedestrian islands on the road would cost £7,000 a pop, while an individual zebra crossing £40,000 and an individual Puffin crossing £55,000.

Chair Councillor Dave Green (Lab, Wibsey) said the 1.2 mile long road would probably need a number of crossings to make any difference to average speeds.

The committee’s budget for road safety works this year had already been allocated, the meeting was told – but works to Beacon Road could be included in future budgets.

Councillor Sabiya Khan (Lab, Wibsey) said: “People have written to me complaining how fast the traffic on this road is. A few months ago a child was injured crossing the road.

“I notice the costs you have mentioned, but we need to do something to address these concerns from residents.”