Denholme residents are being asked for their views on a new community orchard being planted by young people in the town’s park this winter.

Denholme Youth Café is working with Bradford Council, Denholme Town Council and Fruit Works Co-operative to design and plant the community orchard, which will grow at the bottom of Foster Park.

The orchard will include apples, pears, plums, cherries, hazel and medlar which have all been chosen by the Juniors at the Youth Cafe.

The project is being funded by the Community Led Gardening & Food Growing Fund – a Bradford Council Public Health grant scheme to increase the number of such projects across the district.

The scheme provides grants of up to £2,000 to fund new or existing projects working with adults, children and young people, or inter-generational work.

Fruit Works Co-operative, one of Bradford Council’s tree-planting partners, has worked with young people at Denholme’s Youth Café on a draft design for the orchard.

They would also like residents’ view on this via

Councillor Sarah Ferriby, Portfolio Holder for Healthy People and Places, said: “A community orchard will be a great asset for Denholme. It’s also great to give everyone in the town, young and old, a sense of ownership by getting them involved from the start to the finish of the project.”