ALONG with the slopes of Ingleborough, I have always enjoyed walking in Littondale more than any other place on the Dales. This walk heads out of Littondale to Malham Tarn returning trough the same limestone scenery but on a different path.

Park near the Falcon Inn in Arncliffe, Littondale next to the village green. The village is where much of the present series of All Creatures Great and Small was filmed. Those who are watching it will recognize the green itself and church as well as the lovely drive up the dale.

Head up the side road just to the east/right of the pub. After 200 metres where the lane bends left a well signed footpath heads directly south west up the steep hillside. This is the Monks Road. After a climb of nearly 150 metres the path levels out. The path is in good condition as it winds its way through exposed limestone rock whilst remaining perched over a steep valley of Cowside Beck to your right. It is a lonely place with great views particularly to the north.

After two-and-a-half-miles the Monk’s Road (now a bridlepath) turns in a more southerly direction and rather surprisingly meets an isolated farm, the outbuildings and farmhouse of Middle House. The public path skirts the farm on its west/right side before a faint track heads in a more westerly direction (almost opposite the main building).

The path heads for a wide col between two areas of higher ground. On your left is the fine viewpoint of Great Close Hill with the remains of a fort on its summit. It is worth the 20 minute detour from the col and in good weather makes a fine picnic spot with great views over Malham Tarn. Return to the col and drop down 60 metres to the banks of the tarn.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Malham Tarn street gateMalham Tarn street gate (Image: Submitted)

Malham Tarn lays claim to be the highest lake in England (378m) and in the past was certainly much bigger with the land on the west bank under water. It is owned and managed by the National Trust, a fine nature reserve. It is a mecca for bird lovers.

On meeting the path that circles the tarn, turn left. The track sticks to the tarn for 200metres before bending to the south and after crossing some flat land meets a gate. Pass through the gate and take the farm track heading south east for ½ a mile to a quiet road. Turn left for 100 metres to the road end at Streetgate. When I was up in the summer they were filming a road piece here for All Creatures, helicopter and all!

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Malham Tarn to Littondale mapMalham Tarn to Littondale map (Image: submitted)

The three-and-a-half miles return to Littondale takes to the high moors on a track that generally holds a north east direction (signed to Hawkswick). After the initial half mile the farm track comes to an awkward and often wet gate near a stream.

Having picked your way carefully over the marsh (or simply got wet feet) the path climbs steadily through picturesque limestone outcrops before dropping more steeply in to Littondale and towards the small hamlet of Hawkswick. On your right is the deep valley of Cote Gill. Walking high above the gill makes for some lovely views up and down Littondale. It is easiest to return to Arncliffe by turning right on to the road just before entering Hawkswick, it is little more than one mile.

* Fact Box:

Distance: Roughly 11 miles

Height to Climb: 480m (1,580 feet)

Start: SD 931718 Park next to the green in Arncliffe.

Difficulty: Adding in Malham Tarn makes for a long day but the tracks are good and the miles fly by.

Eat and Drink: The Falcon in Arncliffe is a pub full of character.

Be Prepared: The route description and sketch map only provide a guide to the walk. You must take out and be able to read a map (O/S Explorer OL2) and in cloudy/misty conditions a compass (essential on this walk). You must also wear the correct clothing and footwear for the outdoors.

Whilst every effort is made to provide accurate information, walkers head out at their own risk.

* Jonathan Smith runs Where2walk, a walking company based in the Yorkshire Dales: 
•    He has published 2 books on walks in the Dales, ‘The Yorkshire 3 Peaks’ and ‘The Dales 30’ mountains. Available direct from the Where2walk website. 
•    Book a Navigation Training day in Long Preston, near Settle (Beginners or Intermediates). All dates and information on the website. Next available date October 22.
Jonathan’s popular website, also features hundreds of walks across Yorkshire and beyond, from easy strolls to harder climbs.