TWO BRADFORD community figures who are at the forefront of the district’s Black History Month celebrations have spoken of why this is an important time for everyone in the region.

Jerry Crawford, who runs Collective Impact, and Tony Tokunbo Eteka Fernandez, founder of Africa4U, are both playing their part in an extensive programme involving organisations across Bradford this month.

Jerry, who has carried out community work in the district for decades, said that Black History Month plays a vital role in highlighting important issues from the past, present and future.

“A lot of the oppression of the old times is still happening today,” said Jerry.

“There have been many stories about disadvantage and cruelty over centuries, and I get upset as the same tactics are still going on.

“That’s why Black History Month is important, as we have to remind those who are maybe unaware that these issues need to be addressed.”

Jerry said he is delighted to see just how busy the Black History Month schedule in Bradford is this year, with events being held on a regular basis.

“Over the years we’ve always celebrated Black History Month, but the events have been far and few between. But this year, it’s absolutely ram-packed with events,” he said.

“I’m really happy about that, as it’s a way of getting the message across, getting together and learning about people.

“It’s important that people of all backgrounds get together and share their cultures. That way, we might have a chance of getting somewhere.”

Tony added: “Black history is important regardless of the month or the time of year, as it’s a way of remembering the past – if we don’t know where we’re coming from, we’ll never know where we’re going.

“It’s important for giving us a sense of direction, vision and self-esteem.

“It’s also a great way to promote the true life and success stories of Africans and Caribbeans around the world.

“Black history is about sharing success and using it to inspire future generations to make the world a better place.”

Tony has organised Black History Month celebrations in Parliament again this year – something he has been doing since 2013.

Jerry is one of several Bradford speakers who will be attending the event, which is on Friday, October 28.

The theme for this year’s Black History Month in Bradford is ‘time for change – actions not words’.