THE redevelopment of Odsal Stadium could include a new museum dedicated to the local history of Rugby League.

And if the proposals by Bradford Council are successful, it could mean that West Yorkshire has two competing Rugby League Museums opening in the coming years.

Last month, it was announced that Bradford Council was making a £50m bid to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund to transform the Odsal site – home to Bradford Bulls.

As well as adding a roof to the stadium, the proposals include a a new Rugby league skills centre, park and ride car park, sports pitches, hotel and conference centre and solar farm.

And a report into the bid has now revealed that the plans could also include a rugby league museum.

The museum would be separate from the National Rugby League Museum planned for Huddersfield Town Centre – under half an hour’s drive away.

Details of the bid will be discussed by Bradford Council’s Executive on Tuesday.

A report to the Executive says: “This bid unlocks an ambitious masterplan for Bradford South, using sport and culture as a catalyst to transform one of the most deprived areas in the country into an icon of sporting and cultural excellence.”

The original plan for the National Rugby League Museum was for it to be based in Bradford City Hall.

But in April 2020 the charity behind the museum - Rugby League Cares, announced it was looking for a new location for the attraction.

Delays to the project and failed funding bids were blamed for the plan being dropped.

Kirklees Council successfully bid to be the new host of the museum, with the plan for it to be based in The George Hotel in Huddersfield.

But these plans were then changed by Kirklees Council, and the museum is now planned for a proposed new “cultural heart” development in the town.

A Kirklees spokesman said: “By being part of the plans for the new Cultural Heart of Huddersfield, the museum would benefit from a new home that can both accommodate the museum as well as being flexible enough to incorporate additional activity to draw in fans and visitors over the long-term.”

The Telegraph & Argus asked Bradford Council for more details of the planned museum at Odsal.

A Council spokesman said: “The Odsal Levelling Up bid includes a number of ideas including a local rugby league museum which could tell the story of how the game developed and display some local memorabilia.

“The National Rugby League Museum is a separate project and remains off the table for Bradford.”