FIREWORKS being blasted at all hours of the night are causing misery across the Bradford district.

The Telegraph & Argus has been inundated with people getting in touch to share their anger and frustration at the situation. 

One man, who is a member of the Bradford4Better campaign group, struggles with some disabilities and has spoken of the devastating toll fireworks are taking on his life. 

It got to the point where he had to call in sick from work because he was left so exhausted by the disturbance. 

He said: “It’s just unbelievable. Last night they were going off at 2am, then 3.30am. 
“I was awake and then I had to call in sick because I just couldn’t get any sleep and I was just up and down so much in the night.”

He added that his young cousin, who is autistic, even went missing and was later found hiding under a table from the loud bangs.

The man said: “We just couldn’t find her and when we did finally find her she had her hands over her eyes crying her eyes out because she’s scared of the noises. 

“These people setting them off are heartless, they don’t realise what they’re doing to people.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:

Barry Traish, from Shipley, said fireworks in his area are “routinely going off after midnight”.

He said: “Every night, late at night fireworks are going on for quite a long time. 

“The other night it was so bad that I did a recording and it’s just constant. It was so close and so loud, and so low which was unusual.”

Lisa Ord, who lives in Bingley is also being affected.

READ MORE: Firework fury sparks debate in Bradford

“This week has just been awful. It's just happening all over at all hours of the day,” she told the Telegraph & Argus.

"During the day isn’t so bad but when it is at night and keeps you up and distresses your new puppy it's really annoying and it just leaves you feeling so tired and irritable because you can’t sleep properly.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: WhatsApp callout

A Bradford councillor now wants to start a national conversation about the misery of fireworks as he’s had a deluge of complaints from fed-up residents.

Councillor Si Cunningham (Lab, Bolton & Undercliffe,) said his constituents are getting in touch more frequently to report the issue of anti-social fireworks.

Because local authorities only have limited powers they can impose to control the problem, he wants to start a conversation with other councillors nationwide to present a case to the central government highlighting the issue.

He said: “This week I've had a noticeable spike in messages about fireworks, and it is quickly becoming one of the most frequent reasons for constituents to get in touch. 

“I'm having to level with people that there is really only so much the Council can do and that nationally the response has been weak and convoluted.

“Like many residents across Bolton and Undercliffe, and indeed the whole of Bradford, I enjoy firework displays like the spectacular one we had in town last year for Christmas, but there's a time and a place for it.

"I certainly don't think I'm a 'killjoy' for wanting to get my kids to sleep on a Sunday night, or for respecting those with pets,” he said.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:

Last year, a review of firework use in the district was carried out. While the review detailed some ways the issue could be tackled, it found that for any real change to be made locally, national laws regarding firework use needed to change.

A Bradford Council spokesperson said: “We share residents’ frustration that this issue persists despite doing everything we can to tackle it. 

“The reality is that we have very limited powers to control the problem and have to work within the laws set by the government. 

“It is clearly unacceptable that the antisocial use of fireworks is eroding local peoples’ quality of life. 

“We will continue to push the government to restrict fireworks and work with our partners in the police, fire service and trading standards to confront this enduring problem.”

The T&A has contacted the Government for comment.

Are you being disturbed by fireworks at night? WhatsApp your messages, pictures and videos to us on or contact us via this form.

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