UNEMPLOYMENT in Bradford is down 28 per cent on the year, according to the latest figures.

The data, provided by the Department for Work and Pensions in what is known as the alternative claimant count, shows that there were 21,798 people claiming unemployment benefits in May.

This is more than 8,350 people fewer than the same time in 2021.

Youth unemployment has also fallen, this time by 39 per cent, to 3,795 people – a drop of more than 2,400.

Across the region, the drop has been more significant overall, at 35 per cent on the year and 45 per cent among 18 to 24-year-olds.

Fran Innes, from the DWP in Bradford, said: “Although we’re in the middle of a hot summer, skilled jobcentre work coaches are working harder than ever to help employers fill their vacancies. It remains our top priority to match the right job with the right person.

“We are working with a wide range of employers to help fill their vacancies via Jobs fairs, immediate interviews at our sites and sifting for employers.”

Another jobsfair will be taking place next week, at Bradford Business Park. Employers looking to take part should email Bradford.EA@dwp.gov.uk.