A plan seeking to help shape the future of one of Bradford District’s villages has taken a significant step forward.

After five years of intensive work, Harden Village Council has submitted its proposed neighbourhood plan to Bradford Council.

This could help shape the growth and development in the area until 2030.

The parish council has worked with the Harden community to produce the plan including undertaking research and consultation with local people to inform the plan’s contents and policies.

Bradford Council is now inviting comments and feedback from residents and organisations.

Neighbourhood plans provide local people the opportunity to help develop a shared vision for their neighbourhoods and gives them a greater say over development their areas.

Following the consultation, Bradford Council will submit the plan for an independent examination which will test whether it meets basic conditions set out in law.

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Subject to the outcome of the independent examination, the Council could hold a local referendum allowing the local community to vote on its adoption. If the plan wins a majority vote it will become part of the development plan for wider Bradford District and be used to determine planning applications in the Harden area.

The consultation runs until 5pm on Monday August 15 The consultation documents are available to view and comments at www.bradford.gov.uk/consultations