ONE of the most important figures in Bradford Council has announced he will be standing down later this year.

As Strategic Director of Place, Jason Longhurst was charged with the district’s regeneration and oversaw departments such as planning, culture, waste and highways.

This week, he announced that after just two years in the role, one interim, he will be moving on to a role of UK Head of Sustainable Investment and Partnerships at Prologis.

He will be leaving his City Hall role in October.

Although not as public facing as some in the Council, his position was one of the highest paid roles in City Hall, and he recently featured on BBC Documentary Bradford On Duty.

Kersten England, Chief Executive, said: “Jason has supported the Council through a key time and his work has brought in new investment and contributed to creating new opportunities for shaping the district’s future as a place to live, work and visit, and, not least, in becoming City of Culture 2025.

“We thank him for his work and wish him well in his new opportunity.

“A search will begin immediately to recruit a high calibre candidate to this important role in our Corporate Management Team.”

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Mr Longhurst said “I am sad to be leaving because Bradford district is, in my view, the most vibrant and investible location in the UK and I wouldn’t have taken any other public sector opportunity other than Bradford at this time. “However I was approached about a new opportunity in the private sector at a national level which is career changing and I simply couldn’t say no.”

Councillor Brendan Stubbs, Leader of the Liberal Democrats on the Council, expressed disappointment that Mr Longhurst was leaving so soon into his tenure. He said: “In terms of the lives of everyday people of Bradford, the Director of Place is responsible for many of the major decisions that affect their lives.”

Cllr Stubbs said that while the successful City of Culture bid will provide a boost for Bradford, the Northern Powerhouse Rail station would have been a “game changer”, and he believes the failure to secure that has been a big disappointment.

Councillor Rebecca Poulsen, leader of the Conservative Group, said: “I was very surprised to hear he was leaving. His job covered a large number of areas. It is a very important role and we need to fill it with the right person as soon as possible.

“I’m surprised as he has not been there a particularly long time, but I wish him well.”