Bori Benko’s murderer set out with ‘a settled intention to kill one or more people’ that night having selected two knives and sharpened one of them, Judge Jonathan Rose said.

Zbigniew Soj was to be sentenced for the ‘premeditated, prolonged, extensive and brutal violence’ on September, 21, 2021 at the Discovery Centre in Bradford.

“This is a property operated by a Christian charity and which provides residential accommodation. Yourself and your two victims were all beneficiaries of this charitable facility,” Judge Rose told him.

Miss Benko was to study theology and to become a priest.

“She came to England for these purposes and fell in love with this country and, in particular the county of Yorkshire. Her mother describes her as a highly educated, honest and loving woman whose life in Bradford was lived in and around the Cathedral and its spirit, which she evoked in her interactions with others.

“The impact of her death on her family, loved ones and friends is set out with painful clarity by her mother. The lost potential of what she would have become, what she would have achieved and what she would have done for others is patently obvious.”

Klaudia Rogozinska, a first-year student at Bradford University, came here from Poland to study Clinical Sciences and made her home at the Discovery Centre.

“Her life was full, in her studies, in the employment she obtained and in her pursuit of sporting hobbies and a social life so that she was, as she put it, ‘in a good place’ prior to the night of the 21st November 2021.

“Miss Rogozinska describes her emotions during the violence which you committed against her that night as being of horror, of panic, of shock and above all of fear, ampli-fied by the fact that that violence came from a man she had considered to be a friend.”

Judge Rose continued: “It is unsurprising that Klaudia Rogozinska has found returning to normality after her recovery from her physical injuries overwhelming, daunting and difficult. She has struggled with her studies and with her daily existence. She became isolated and battled with the memories of what you did to her and her inability to un-derstand why you attacked her at all.”

Soj had been drinking heavily that night and he had watched a violent horror film.

In discussion with his psychiatrist, he described contemplating thoughts of suicide but also feeling energised. “It was ‘a very intrusive thought that you needed to end someone else’s life,” Judge Rose said.

To quote what Soj said to his psychiatrist: “It was curiosity or jealousy, trying to find out what it means to kill someone. I didn’t feel anything. I had no thought of the conse-quences or morality. I was incredibly determined to do it. I had a feeling I was going to kill more than one person. It wasn’t anyone in particular. I knew it was going to be any, or all of them.”

Judge Rose went on to state: “I cannot conclude that the killing of Borbala Benko was done with a sexual motive, but I am satisfied so that I am sure that you took advantage of your violent attack on her to derive sexual pleasure or, at least that you did derive sexual pleasure from the act of stabbing her as you did.”

But Soj had already attempted to enter a man’s room and it may be that his intention to kill was at first not directed at a specific individual.

The attempted murder of Klaudia Rogozinska made it apparent that his desire to kill had not been satisfied.

“As with Miss Benko, there was no motive for your attack other than your desire to kill yet another wholly innocent person,” Judge Rose said.

Miss Rogozinska was startled, alarmed and frightened.

“She fought you bravely, but you attempted to strangle her and put, first your hand and then a pillow over her face. She was dizzy and thought she had lost consciousness. She was screaming for help, including screaming Miss Benko’s name, but no help came.

“Although you said to her you were sorry, you then stabbed her and when she was taken to the floor you pinned the injured woman’s head down. It is testament to her cour-age that she, in spite of what was happening persuaded you to stop your attack be-cause she was needed by her friends and family.”

Soj told her: “I got f***ing pissed and this happened. Do you know why? Because I am jealous that other people can have normal lives and I can’t. I didn’t mean to kill, you are all f***ing great. We got smashed and I guess some demons got to me.”

When considering the minimum term to fix for the sentence of life imprisonment, Judge Rose stated: “You clearly deliberated your actions during the time you were awake after your friend had gone to sleep, you went to the kitchen of this building – not a particularly straightforward matter – and there not only selected two knives but sharpened one of them, and you then set out with a settled intention to kill one or more people.”

Judge Rose said that the acts which resulted in Miss Benko’s death were accompanied by sexual activity that increased the depravity of the murder.