The following planning applications have been lodged with Bradford Council: Riddlesden: Demolition of existing garage and construction of new detached dwelling, 17 Western Avenue. Shipley: Change of use from fish shop to residential dwelling and single- storey rear extension, 211 Leeds Road. Shipley: Construction of extension to form main entrance and alterations to provide light well and new window, Windhill Manor, 15 Leeds Road. Shipley: Construction of single-storey side extension, 31 Grosvenor Road. Shipley: Construction of single- storey side extension, 8 High Ash. Shipley: Construction of three six-metre and one five-metre high floodlight stations, Shipley Bowling Green Club, 162 Bradford Road.

Shipley: Construction of two-storey extension to the rear elevation, 5 Alma Grove. Shipley: Display of one fascia sign to front entrance and one illuminated projecting sign to front, Shipley Health Centre, Alexandra Road. Shipley: Installation of air conditioning unit, Shipley Health Centre, Alexandra Road. Shipley: New shop front, 62 Bingley Road.

Silsden: Retrospective application for roof height above that shown in approval 02/01173/FUL and resiting of garage, Pickersgill Barn, Low Lane. Thornton: Construction of three four-bedroom terraced houses and one four-bedroom detached house, 571 Thornton Road. Thornton: Construction of two-storey extension and rebuilding of the front porch together with internal and external refurbishment of the property, 5 Allerton Lane.

Thornton: Construction of two-storey extension to side of existing dwelling with refurbishments, 5 Allerton Lane. Thornton: External chiller to the north elevation of service station retail sales unit, Leaventhorpe Service Station, Thornton Road. Thornton: Installation of white painted satellite dish with galvanised steel brackets, 67-69 Market Street.

Tong: Construction of barn for agricultural use, Hollin House Farm, 92 Tong Lane. Undercliffe: Change from two-storey to three- storey accommodation and alterations to self contained dwelling, The Ukranian Church Hall, Stony Lane. Undercliffe: Construction of conservatory to the rear of the property, 41 Acre Avenue. Undercliffe: Construc-tion of detached dwelling, 1 Cameron Grove. Undercliffe: Construction of double garage, 1 Queen's Rise.

Undercliffe: Construction of rear extension to dwelling, 5 Ennerdale Drive. Undercliffe: Construction of single-storey side extension, 82 Mint Street. Undercliffe: Construction of two-storey detached dwelling, 139 Norman Lane. Undercliffe: Construction of two-storey side extension and part single/two-storey rear extension, 28 Musgrave Road.

Wibsey: Addition of one apartment on blocks C, D and E of existing residential development, 11 & 11a Acre Lane. Wibsey: Change of use from A1 to A5 with installation of extraction flue to rear, 101 High Street. Wibsey: Change of use of shop to hot food takeaway, 397 Beacon Road.

Wilsden: Construction of detached double garage, Rose Cottage Farm, Main Street. Wyke: Change of use from cobblers to hair salon and cobblers, 53 Town Gate. Wyke: Change of use of joinery workshop into 16 flats, Victory Works, Garden Field. Wyke: Construction of seven two-storey dwellings, land south of 12 The Hudson, off Woodside Road. Wyke: Detached dwelling/garage and improved access, 588 Wyke Lane.