The number of people caught watching TV without a licence in Bradford has increased, according to new figures.

More than 3,500 licence fee dodgers were detected by TV Licensing in the city last year, up by 260 residents on two years ago.

That makes Bradford the fourth worst place in a Yorkshire league of shame for the worst offending towns and cities.

People in Hull were the worst offenders, followed by Leeds.

Anyone caught watching television illegally risks a trip to court and a fine of up to £1,000.

Throughout Yorkshire nearly 34,300 evaders were caught.

New handheld detectors has made it easier to catch offenders.

Charlotte Hancock, of TV Licensing North, said: "The high number of licence fee dodgers caught in Bradford is evidence of TV Licensing's success in enforcing the licence fee on behalf of the honest majority who pay.

"While TV Licensing is committed to catching evaders, we would much rather people buy a TV licence than risk prosecution."

A licence can be paid for via monthly Direct Debit or with lower weekly payments.

For more information visit or call 0844 800 6732.