A financial consultant who gambled away £130,000 stolen from a client can pay back only £10,366, a court heard today.

Veerasak Kaewchomphoo-Charlton, 25, was jailed for 20 months on June 29 last year.

Having served his sentence, he returned to Bradford Crown Court today for a confiscation hearing.

Kaewchomphoo-Charlton worked for Skipton-based Homeloan Management Ltd (HML) when he began stealing a client's cheques in October 2005.

He pleaded guilty to 14 charges of theft and asked the court to take a further 11 into consideration.

At today's hearing, the Recorder of Bradford Judge Stephen Gullick was told Kaewchomphoo-Charlton made £130,114 from his criminal conduct.

Only £10,366 was available and the sum would be used to compensate HML.

The court heard that Kaewchomphoo-Charlton was having his home revalued and may be able to keep the property by arranging a re-mortgage.

Kaewchomphoo-Charlton, of Ruskin Avenue, Colne, frittered away the stolen cash on gambling debts, the court heard last June.