A man has been jailed for 30 months for twice attacking his teenage girlfriend.

Sharaz Ali, 22, of Nearcliffe Road, Heaton, was branded a "nasty, violent, young man" by Judge Roger Scott at Bradford Crown Court yesterday.

The judge called Ali a racist who had raised his fist, leg and a knife to his 16-year-old girlfriend because she did not live as he chose.

Prosecutor Andrew Conboy said Ali punched the girl in the face, kicked her legs and threatened her with a knife after a row at her flat in the Keighley area last August.

She went to Bradford Royal Infirmary and was prescribed painkillers for black eyes and badly bruised legs.

Ali was arrested and, on October 3, while on bail, he called the girl racially abusive names, pulled her hair, punched her face and bundled her into a car and locked the door.

Mr Conboy said she may have lost consciousness because she remembered lying in the road with blood on her clothing.

She saw Ali reverse his car towards her and rolled out of the way fearing she would be run over. An ambulance was called and she was treated in hospital for bruising and swelling to her face, arm and leg.

Sam Green said in mitigation that the relationship was troubled and Ali had been drinking too much. "He over-reacted to what he perceived was a doomed relationship," Mr Green said.

Ali pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm and racially aggravated actual bodily harm.